30-Day Video Series

Welcome to Exploring The Natural Being That We Are. In this 30-day series, Deborah Gleason and Naomi Irons share themselves openly as they explore what it means to live as a natural being. Witness their discoveries as they share through laughter, tears, contemplation and celebration. Make your own discoveries as you explore the daily invitations they offer you.

You can watch the full series below or on our YouTube channel in one easy to enjoy playlist. 

Day 0: Our introduction to what you can expect in this 30-day video series. You will also hear more about what the Ecosystem of Evolution is and what we are up to.

Day 1: Today Naomi shares a beautiful, living meditation. Come back to this video anytime you’d like to feel grounded and connected deeply with the natural being that you are.

Day 2: We begin out daily check in with each other on what is showing up for us as we consider the natural being that we are.

Day 3: We explore what it means to present to our bodies, essence and the earth at the same time as we live our daily lives.

Day 4: The invitation to explore ourselves as natural being really starts to deepen. We are starting to really see that a state of “wonder” is required so we can really see ourselves. 

Day 5: We explore how feeling internal chaos can be seen as a signal that our lives are about to expand. When we move into the chaos instead of resist it we make more space for living. 

Day 6: We explore how we are retraining our minds to experience our bodies as connected to the earth. Retraining by choosing different language, looking inside and seeing what’s there and then connecting to the same language we would use to describe the natural world.

Day 7: Today we are really starting to notice that the more we focus on the natural being that we are and allow the earth that moves through us to flow, the less conversation in the mind. 

Day 8: Today’s video is a beautiful inside look into the courage and willingness that is needed to sit with discomfort, and reframe it in real time so life can continue to be in full flow. Naomi shows us what it means to be in it, be with it, and be it.

Day 9: Today’s focus is on following your original instructions and opening into discovery and growth.

Day 10: In today’s video, we venture into new, unexplored territory. Hold onto your hat as we delve into an expanded view of what it means to be a natural being.

Day 11: In today’s video, we talk about dropping resistance and moving into acceptance. A beautiful practice that creates so much ease.

Day 12: In today’s video, watch the resistance dissolve in real time as we explore how recognizing the earth that moves through us gives us what we need to drop the stories and relax into a beautiful flow of life.

Day 13: In today’s video, we share what is alive for each of us in our inner landscapes.

Day 14: Together in the same place for the first time in a while, we share what is alive for each of us in our inner landscapes.

Day 15: In today’s video, go for a walk with Naomi and Deborah in a beautiful jungle and explore ecosystems in all forms.

Day 16: Today, we explore life in full flow as Deborah visits the Halema’uma’u crater that created the Hawaiian island chain.

Day 17: Today we answer some amazing questions including “what is alive inside of you today” and invite you to do the same. 

Day 18: Today’s video is a continuation from yesterday (Day 17) where we ask each other some very interesting questions and encourage you to do the same for yourself.

Day 19: Today we are really noticing how this daily practice is changing the way we look at things. How becoming present to our bodies, essence and the earth that moves through us squeezes out the need for stories and opens more space for inner trust.

Day 20: On Day 20 we explore what happens to the mind when we soften into the present moment and allow the body to open to essence and earth.

Day 21: Today we talk about how easy it is getting to drop all the fictional stories the mind can generate when we drop into the moment and recognize that we are the natural world.

Day 22: Today we explore overcoming exhaustion via a tree and begin what is sure to be the start of an ongoing conversation on what it really means to simplify your life.

Day 23: Like the way the ocean does not resist when the moon pulls the tides, can we relax into our essence pulling the earth part of us through our bodies?

Day 24: Today we take a close look at how things can change so quickly and sticking with ourselves is such a gift. We can never get it wrong when we open to allow natural expressions to move through and inform us.

Day 25: Today we feel into the calm that comes with 24 days of being so present to ourselves.

Day 26: Today we talk about what it means to move from the idea of being present to our bodies, our essence, and the earth that moves through us to living this way daily.

Day 27: Today we explore how living as a natural being was effortless as children and how this practice of returning to presence and noticing our inner landscape can bring us right back to that effortless place.

Day 28: Today we talk about Raised by Gaia, and how it invites us to remember that we are a natural wonder and have always been seen and loved by the natural world.

Day 29: Today we will let you in on what the microbes in our guts, the mystery of being alive, and the eject button have in common.

Day 30: We wrap up by sharing what these 30 days have meant for both of us. We share what was behind this exploration, what we’ve learned, and how we’ve grown. So much gratitude to those of you that followed along each day as we shared and to those of you that found your way to these videos later. ~Deborah & Naomi