ecosystem of evolution presents

Gaia Life

Gaia Life
Monthly Calls

Gaia Life is a fresh space where inner curiosity and deep listening create the opportunity for new discoveries.

We start with the idea that nature generously makes us more aware of all the parts of ourselves. It welcomes our tenderness, our messiness, our wholeness.

These monthly calls are for women who look to the natural world with wonder, who feel alive and connected when they are among trees or by the sea.

On our calls, women focus on their present-day experiences. Rather than dig up the past, we look for clues in our current lives that will bring more freedom and ease. Often these clues can be found in how we are relating to the natural world.

Gaia Life‘s facilitators create a safe and expansive space for sharing. Calls take place on Zoom on the second Thursday of each month. These calls are your opportunity to deepen your connection with yourself, and with the natural world. We hope you’ll join us.

Next Gaia Life Call

Date To Be Announced

Naomi Irons

Gaia Life

Naomi Irons and Deborah Gleason facilitate Gaia Life calls. They are also the creators of the Ecosystem of Evolution.


Deborah Gleason


We are here for you, if you have any questions about Gaia Life please get in touch with us.